Committed Mouser, Spark Latrodectus

Left: Spark --- Right: Nix

FULL NAME: Spark Latrodectus

AGE: 38 years by human maturity standards

TYPE: Catfolk

GENDER: Transgender Man


LIKES: Small animals, comfy beds, his spouses, its hat, things that are larger than him

ASSOCIATIONS: Adola Latrodectus (wife), Nix Latrodectus (husband), Tristan Latrodectus (son), Currently unnamed half brother


Spark is your typical orange cat of a man. He can be found lounging around or chasing the hell out of something. He doesn't really do too much on his own and so usually he is with Adola or Nix, simly watching them work on projects. He may not be contributing but that's ok with him!

Reclusive Playwright, Nix Latrodectus

FULL NAME: Nix Latrodectus

AGE: 39 years by human maturity standards

TYPE: Catfolk

GENDER: Bigendered Transsexual Man

PRONOUNS: He/it/she

LIKES: Cool ranch doritos, his computer, sources of inspiration, Media analysis, dr pepper

ASSOCIATIONS: Adola Latrodectus (wife), Spark Latrodectus (husband), Tristan Latrodectus (son)


While he may originally come off as a loner, Spark is actually a man who is totlly dedicated to the acting society that he just so happens to be the president of! He spends most of his time in his room, writing scripts or working on costumes but does go out of his way to attempt to send some time with his family from time to time.

Left: Spark --- Right: Nix


Do you ever think about going back?