
lol I've been forgetting to keep up with this site over the past few months but be assured I still love it here! It's just that I've been committing time into actually having a life outside of the internet which is strange to me. In the time that I have been gone my grades have improved, my general mental health has improved, I made a couple of friends, I moved into a brand new house, and I had my fifteenth birthday yesterday! I have been meaning to develop more for The In-Between but since I have been busy it has been a bit more difficult lolz but I have been brainstorming ideas and by the end of this week I should have all of the major character profiles done! I plan on adding more but my absolute baseline is the Latrodectus household and Tristan's friends. I have actually made a tumblr blog dedicated to updates and discussion regarding the In-Between and even though it is pretty bare bones right now I think that it will prove useful in time.

In other news I have been working on fixing my computer that I have owned for five years and it is going pretty smoothly! We have replaced her hard drive that was on its last legs and we have also replaced the battery that hasnt properly charged in about three years which means that my laptop is finally a portable computer again! I was going to replace the fan but we ordered the wrong one and now we have to wait a bit more for that part to come in but I'm not particularly bothered lol.

I have also been getting into South Park, specifically the Fractured But Whole game and I have a genuine fascination with the franchise and I really enjoy analyzing the characters! My current favorites are Jimmy and Kenny :3 I have generally been having fun and I am glad that I am able to enjoy something like that!

go back?