The start of the rest of my life!

So summer vacation has started and once again i have nobody outside of my house to spend it with so im doing my best to make the most of all this extra time! like im working on this site more im drawing more im trying real hard to get commissions im thinking about writing more fanfic plenty of cool shit! I think that i could be doing more but i like completely fucked my sleep schedule so most of my day time is taken up by napping,,,,

tbh rn im mostly just waiting for the next episode of dungeons and daddies to come out but i still gotta wait like a whole other week for that which really is a shame because im like really invested lolll! i know that hero probably isnt going to show up in the next episode cuz she had a pretty big part in the last one and i was waiting so long for her to show up and finally be important cuz SHE WAS LITERALLY SUPPOSED TO BE THE CHOSEN ONE!! and i was totally wondering how this played into the story given that she didnt even have her own door in the daddies hq and apparently how it plays into the story is kinda just,,, she was trained her whole life for this she knew the world was totally fucked from a young age she knows how to rip deer apart with her bare hands and you know,,,,, she just decided that like,,, no! fuck that! im just gonna hang out! Normal can do it! not my fucking problem! and i love her so much for that.... call me taylor swift cuz i have a ginormous crush on hero oak-swallows-garcia!!! anyway i just cant fucking wait for the next episode its gonna be so fucking good (imma probably talk about it on the next blog post i make after it comes out)

In other newwwwwws...... i have my own room rn because my sister moved up to washington with her boyfriend cuz shes pregnant and wants to raise the baby there. so now i have a ton of shit that isnt mine hanging out in my room that idk what to do with cuz she basically didnt bring anything with her. imma figure it out eventually but im pretty sure this is a longterm thing and im gonna have to move it for convenience at some point lol. texted her today and she was in the hosital for oregnancy stuffs and shes mostly doing ok and im really happy about that cuz i really do love her! i really wanna watch adventure time with her again but like,,,,, shes kind of all the way across the entire country so that thats not happening lol. i miss her a little bit but ithink that its a bit more peaceful now that i dont share a bedroom with her lol.

all in all my summer plans for this year are to be productive, have fun, and drink lots of sodas!!!

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